6 lessons to build your open water swimming confidence


This is a series of 6 open water swim lessons to get you confident and ready for an open water swim event (like the Across The Lake Swim) or a triathlon. This series is derived from the annual Across The Lake Swim Open Water Clinics held at Boyce Gyro Park every June and July, and is intended for:

·      Beginner swimmers

·      Pool swimmers who have very little open water swim experience

·      Those who are anxious in the open water swimming environment.


  • Before you get in
  • Equipment 
  • The many sources of anxiety
  • Acclimatizing to cold water
  • Rest/recovery position
  • The pop-up drill
  • The importance of breathing
  •  Why breath control is more difficult in water
  •  Some important physiology to embrace
  • Breathing drills on dry land
  • Breathing drills in open water
  • Learning breathing flexibility
  • How to swim straight
  • Do you drift left or right?
  • 3 basic sighting techniques
  • Sighting in swells or chop
  • Other ways to swim straight
  • Become a flexible sighter
  • Goggle failure options
  • Swimming in a crowd
  • Protecting your breathing
  • Moving into deep water
  • Swimming in adverse conditions
  • Drafting
  • Review
  • Sustained distance
  • Flexibility
  • Staying relaxed
  • Race Preparation
  • Fueling
  • Sleep
  • Self Seeding
  • Warm-up
  • Swimming your swim
  • Kayak support
  • Getting out of the water
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