Loop updates

This space will provide periodic news about the Loop, such as any new hazards, construction, shallowness of the water, debris in the water, weather damage, new policies, etc.  If anyone has new or important observations about the Loop, please contact [email protected], so your information can be added to this site. 

July 10, 2021: Kelowna Tri Club training day

Under the direction of coach Cory Krist, the event-starved Kelowna Triathlon Club held their first Cedar Creek training event, doing the equivalent of a sprint triathlon using the beach access road as a transition area.  The swim was a 1200m, out-and-back freestyle along the buoys, followed by a 25K looped bike course along Lakeshore Road.  A 7K run began along the beach pathway, then followed a steep staircase up the bluff to the grassy dog park before heading down to the north end of Lakeshore. 

The lake was glass. Despite the recent heat and the increased numbers of forest fires, the morning was comfortable and clear of smoke, so it was a lovely morning for an Okanagan training day!

July 6, 2021: Cedar creek is being discovered!

After the record-setting “heat dome” that most of BC suffered through at the end of June, needless to say, the lake has never been warmer–as much as 28°C, the same as an indoor heated swimming pool!  Unfortunately, though, with the exceptionally dry spring, the lake did not reach “full pool” this year–it was about a foot short–so that swim areas like the Gyro Swim Loop are already pretty shallow, such that your hands will touch bottom when swimming across it. 

Enter the Cedar Creek Swim Loop.  This is a deep water swim that has no shallow areas once you are out following the buoys, so you won’t touch bottom at any point of the swim.  This morning there were three swimmers in the water at the same time for the first time this season.  They are onto something!  Are you next?

May 29, 2021: The 2021 Open Water Swimming season is upon us!

Is this the summer you add open water swimming to your regular training regimen?  If you haven’t already noticed, open water swimming is the perfect sport for a pandemic–no need for other people, and the lake is always open–and it’s free!
Depending on where you are, you may have already been putting in some distance in open water, but here in the Okanagan, where the lake has been filling up with snow melt, it is still a brisk 15°C, although the coming week of expected sunshine will improve that pretty quickly. So, if you haven’t already done so, it is time to dust off your wetsuit, fix some of those small tears, and get your feet (and the rest of you) wet!
And there is now one more thing: Although the Gyro Swim Loop has long been the safest and best used open water swim training area in Kelowna, this year the City has agreed to formalize a new open water swim area–an out-and-back deep-water course at Cedar Creek Park (600m in each direction), where there is a series of buoys spaced 75m apart. Since the beach is rocky, wearing water shoes will save your sensitive feet!  Both Gyro and Cedar Creek are quiet spots to swim, especially early in the morning, before the boats are out.  And since the Gyro parking lot is free until 9AM, you can figure out why most of us swim well before that.
See you out there!
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